Latest Episodes

TIL 508: Implications of Common Grace (feat. Marshall Adkins)
1. What is a biblical definition of and exegises for the doctrine of common grace? 2. What are the current discussions happening within biblical...

TIL 507: Discerning Types of Integration (feat. Marshall Adkins)
1. What is Christian integration and how is that different from biblical counseling? 2. What are some of the different approaches to integration counseling?...

TIL 506: What is an ACBC Training Center (feat. Jeremy Pray)
1. How did Northcreek become a training center with ACBC. 2. What is the structure and key components of what Northcreek teaches through. 3....

TIL 505: Children of Divorce (feat. Amy Baker)
1. What are some of the common struggles of children of divorce? 2. What is the pressure like on childreen of divorce? 3. What...

TIL 504: Expressive Individualism (feat. Brent Osterberg)
1. What is the idea or concept of expressive individualism? 2. What are some of the ways expressive individualism shows up in our culture...

TIL 503: Counseling Homework (feat. Keith Palmer)
1. What is counseling homework and why is it wise to give homework? 2. What kind of goals should we have in giving homework?...