Featuring: - God's Purpose in Your Singleness - Pitfalls that young women face - Psalm 16, Being Glad in God - Encouragement for nervous parents of teens - When your teen has a hard heart to your instruction - Value of older woman in mentorship (Titus 2) Resources: Love Defined and Girl Defined Books: https://www.girldefined.com/girldefinedbook ACBC Conference Lecture: Hope and Help for the Single Woman https://biblicalcounseling.com/store/all-products/kristen-clark-and-bethany-baird-help-and-hope-for-the-single-woman-longing-for-marriage/ Website: https://www.girldefined.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/girldefined Letters to a Romantic: On Dating - Sean Perron and Spencer Harmon https://www.amazon.com/Letters-Romantic-Dating-Sean-Perron/dp/1629953040 Women and Counseling Audio Package: https://biblicalcounseling.com/store/all-products/women-and-counseling/
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