Featuring: 1. How are you doing as a parent? 2. What does Proverbs have to say to parents? 3. A God-given curriculum that parents should cover with their kids Resources: Brad Brandt – Practical Help for Family from Proverbs | $2.99 https://biblicalcounseling.com/store/all-products/brad-bradt-practical-help-for-family-from-proverbs/ Regional ACBC Events https://biblicalcounseling.com/training-2/acbc-regional-events/ Find Training Centers https://biblicalcounseling.com/training-centers/
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1. The importance of establishing policies and procedures for a counseling ministry. 2. The relationship between ministry staff and the counseling ministry of the...
1. A brief history of the TIL podcast 2. Top moments from the TIL archives 3. Looking back and looking ahead Click here to...
TIL 172 : Narcissism And The Bible by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors