Featuring: 1. The Importance of if trusting God's providence 2. Anchors of truth in the wind of suffering 3. God's good purposes in our suffering 4. How to minister to those suffering Notes: Paul Tautges, Anxiety: Knowing God's Peace (31-Day Devotionals for Life) https://smile.amazon.com/Anxiety-Knowing-Peace-31-Day-Devotionals/dp/1629956228/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Anxiety%3A+Knowing+God%27s+Peace+%2831-Day+Devotionals+for+Life%29+paul&qid=1583936396&sr=8-1 2019 Pre-Conference | Human Suffering and Heaven’s Hope | $20 https://biblicalcounseling.com/store/all-products/2019-pre-conference-human-suffering-and-heavens-hope/
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Featuring: 1. Why is the topic of the “one-another” commands so important today 2. The “one-anothers" as commands 3. Beyond church on Sunday 4....
1. The Importance of Hope in Counseling 2. Defining Hope Biblically 3. An Overview of John's Devotional You can find John Crotts devotional here. ...
Featuring: A tribute to Jay Adams. Notes: Whole Counsel: The Public and Private Ministries of the Word: Essays in Honor of Jay E. Adams...