Latest Episodes

TIL 455: Everyday Communication for Spouses (feat. Stuart Scott)
1. Biblical principles for communication in marriage. 2. Helpful reminders for communication in marriage. 3. Pursuing humility in communication in marriage. 4. Pursuing sanctification...

TIL 454: Counseling a Lying Counselee (feat. Josh Greiner)
1. Common reasons people lie in counseling. 2. What to do if you are concerned a counselee is lying. 3. What to do if...

TIL 453: Doxological Counseling (feat. Omri Miles)
1. Doxology and its relationship to counseling. 2. The connection between worship and counseling. 3. Worship: The aim and goal of counseling. Click here...

TIL 452: What Makes Biblical Counseling Unique (feat. Randy Patten)
1. Six characteristics of biblical counseling. 2. The benefits of formalizing a counseling ministry in the local church. 3. Encouragement for churches ministering the...

TIL 451: Resisting Temptation from Psalm 63 (feat. Keith Evans)
1. The connection between Psalm 63 and temptation. 2. The connection between David's temptation in Psalm 63 and Christ's temptation in Matthew. 3. How...

TIL 450: God's Grace Through Child Sexual Abuse (feat. Cheryl Bell)
Part two of Cheryl Bell's journey to biblical counseling. Click here for more information about ACBC's 2024 Annual Conference. Find this podcast transcription here.