1. Who is Brad Brandt?
2. What was life like before biblical counseling?
3. What convinced you to seek help in biblical counseling?
4. What has been the impact of biblical counseling on your ministry?
5. Why do you believe biblical counseling works?
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6:55 “If the Bible is sufficient, then why do we have a bookstore at our conference?” 8:50: “Are there any benefits in psychology that...
Notes: George Scipione | A Tribute https://biblicalcounseling.com/george-scipione-a-tribute/ The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Counseling - George Scipione (Full Message) https://acbcdigitalresources.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/resources/2018+Annual+Confrence/Breakout+Session+Audio+Files/Breakout+Session+5+Counseling+Care/George+Scipione+-+The+Fear+of+the+Lord+is+the+Beginning+of+Counseling.mp3 Find...
1. Wisdom for counseling those who are dying. 2. How to counsel when death is imminent. 3. Giving hope to those that are dying. ...