Featuring: - Ways Tim fought for hope in cancer - How Tim had a conversation with the family about diagnosis and God's - sovereignty and wisdom - God's kindness in sanctifying the local church - Keeping an eternal perspective (2 Corinthians 4) Resources: 2019 Pre-Conference, Human Suffering and Heaven's Hope https://biblicalcounseling.com/conference/suffering/ Trusting God, Jerry Bridges https://www.amazon.com/Trusting-God-Jerry-Bridges/dp/1631467921
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1. When should we talk to our kids about sex? 2. What categories should be covered? 3. What to do when there are issues...
Featuring: - The Christian’s Starting Place on Gender (Gen. 1-2) - How Masculinity is being Deconstructed - What is Biblical Masculinity? - Why We...
1. What makes us feel burdened? 2. What did Jesus do to provide rest? 3. What is required of us? 4. What type of...