Featuring: - First steps in responding to domestic abuse - Building involvement and offering hope - How to keep a victim safe? - What if I am scared to counsel in this situation? - Complementarianism and domestic violence Resources: The Heart of Domestic Abuse: Gospel Solutions for Men Who Use Control and Violence in the Home - Chris Moles https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Domestic-Abuse-Solutions-Violence/dp/1936141272 http://www.chrismoles.org/news/2016/3/14/6cp1qk9y14xwrrioccoc2s6xxete00-zd6a2-4t7pf http://www.chrismoles.org/news/2018/8/9/jonah-judgement-and-a-call-to-nineveh-a45k2 http://www.chrismoles.org/news/2018/7/28/telling-the-truth-to-yourself-m9hg4 http://www.chrismoles.org/news/2018/3/4/the-blame-game-jn4wk http://www.chrismoles.org/news/2018/3/25/putting-off-and-putting-on-bd9l7 http://www.chrismoles.org/news/2018/3/11/is-change-really-possible-xxkz7 Want a FREE abuse counseling training series from ACBC delivered to your inbox? Text ACBC to 66866 for free access. Or visit https://biblicalcounseling.com/abuse-care/
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