Featuring: - The Christian’s Starting Place on Gender (Gen. 1-2) - How Masculinity is being Deconstructed - What is Biblical Masculinity? - Why We Can’t Waiver on Biblical Masculinity - How the Church is Being Impacted Today - Biblical Counselors Must Lovingly Retrain Men to Biblical Manhood Resources: - The Grand Design: Male and Female He Made Them - Owen Strachan https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Design-Male-Female-Made/dp/1781917647 - Reenchanting Humanity: A Theology of Mankind - Owen Strachan
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Featuring: - The importance of guarding against cultural forces in our counseling philosophy - Case study of Psychiatrist Silvano Arieti on Freud Notes: https://biblicalcounseling.com/resources/acbc-essays/ ...
TIL 074 : Christian Unity And The 2016 Presidential Election by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
1. What has been your experience in counseling in a bicultural context? 2. How can we be culturally sensitive but not compromising of biblical...