Featuring: - How the Puritans help counselors get to the human heart - Experts in identifying problems and gospel solutions - “Living Blessedly Forever” Puritans on Doctrine and Practice - The lost art of Biblical Meditation - Learning more about the Puritans Resources: - The Blessed and Boundless God - George Swinnock - Triumphing Over Sinful Fear - John Flavel - Great Spoil: Thomas Manton's Spirituality of the Word - Yuille J Stephen https://www.amazon.com/Great-Spoil-Thomas-Mantons-Spirituality/dp/1601786913/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=thomas+manton&qid=1565810005&s=books&sr=1-4
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On this weeks edition of Truth in Love Dale Johnson speaks with Julie Ganschow about the churches responsibility to care for abandoned women. Featured...
Listen to this podcast with ACBC member Caroline Newheiser for a biblical approach that will help you fight gossip and pursue holy God-honoring speech....
TIL 125 : Helping People With Hallucinations (feat. George Sanders) by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors