Featuring: - How the Puritans help counselors get to the human heart - Experts in identifying problems and gospel solutions - “Living Blessedly Forever” Puritans on Doctrine and Practice - The lost art of Biblical Meditation - Learning more about the Puritans Resources: - The Blessed and Boundless God - George Swinnock - Triumphing Over Sinful Fear - John Flavel - Great Spoil: Thomas Manton's Spirituality of the Word - Yuille J Stephen https://www.amazon.com/Great-Spoil-Thomas-Mantons-Spirituality/dp/1601786913/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=thomas+manton&qid=1565810005&s=books&sr=1-4
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TIL 079 : Should I Buy My Child An iPhone For Christmas? by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
TIL 026 : Helping Singles Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction (feat. Rev. Sam Allberry) by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
TIL 129 : When Your Sexual Relationship Isn't Good (feat. Brad Bigney) by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors