Featuring: * Medical VS. Psychological Diagnosis * The DSM and the Medical Model * The Theorized Purpose of Psychotropics in Medical Model * Do antidepressants work? * Heart issues and the TAC analogy Notes: The Emperor's New Drugs: Exploding the Antidepressant Myth Irving Kirsch https://www.amazon.com/Emperors-New-Drugs-Exploding-Antidepressant/dp/0465022006 The Myth of the Chemical Cure J. Moncrieff https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Chemical-Cure-Psychiatric-Treatment/dp/0230574327
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1. Why you should counsel from prophetic passages. 2. Utilizing prophetic passages in counseling. Click here for more information about ACBC's Foundations High School...
Featuring: - Common Responses to Weakness - A Biblical Response to Weakness - Counselors and Weakness Notes: Free Resources for Counselors during COVID-19 https://biblicalcounseling.com/pandemic-resources/ ...
1. The relationship between expository preaching and youth ministry. 2. The myth of adolescence. 3. The connection between biblical parenting and youth ministry. 4....