Featuring: * Is medical research bad? / A need for discernment in medical research * Examples of medical pitfalls / A need for open honest assessment * How marketing outpaces research / Warnings of bias in a capitalistic culture * Discerning the motivations and agendas in medical research * Cautions of the FDA process / A friend, but far from perfect * Example of the STAR*D trial Notes: Bibliography of critical psychology https://acbcdigitalresources.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/resources/Truth+in+Love+Resources/TIL+Show+Note%3A+Featured+Resource/Critical+Psychology+Flyer_2019.pdf
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1. The Mission and Purpose of the Church 2. Who Should Engage in Soul Care? 3. Cultivating a Culture of Care in Your Church ...
TIL 057 : Casting Out Demons by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
1. The importance of establishing policies and procedures for a counseling ministry. 2. The relationship between ministry staff and the counseling ministry of the...