Featuring: (1) Approaching an Abused Counselee with Compassion and Wisdom (2) Key Elements in Counseling the Abused (3) Answering the Question of God's Goodness Notes: A Testimony of God's grace in the aftermath of abuse – Pam Gannon https://vimeo.com/296500243 Counseling a Fearful and Abused Wife – Pam Gannon (Free Lecture and notes) https://biblicalcounseling.com/counseling-a-fearful-and-abused-wife/ 2018 Annual Conference: Light in the Darkness (Free teaching series on abuse) https://biblicalcounseling.com/abuse-care/
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Featuring: The story behind the book The End of Anxiety; Unpacking common misconceptions about anxiety; Helpful tips for counseling those who experience anxious thoughts ...
TIL 027 : Is Anger Always Sinful? by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
1. An update on the church in Russia. 2. Common counseling issues in Russia. 3. The future of the church and biblical counseling in...