Featuring: 1. How often does this issue come up in counseling? 2. What homework do you recommend for men leading in the home? 3. Explaining the "Husband’s Monthly Leadership Agenda" Notes: Husbands Monthly Leadership Agenda http://gcchsv.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Husbands-Monthly-Leadership-Agenda.pdf The Exemplary Husband: A Biblical Perspective – Dr. Stuart Scott https://www.amazon.com/Exemplary-Husband-Biblical-Perspective-ebook/dp/B00AY79GKY Fundamentals Training in Biblical Counseling: https://biblicalcounseling.com/certification/phase-1-learning/ Help! My Child is Being Bullied - Tim Keeter https://www.amazon.com/Child-Being-Bullied-LifeLine-Mini-books-ebook/dp/B07X9V8Z1P
Find this podcast transcription here.
1. Difference between worldly hope and biblical hope. 2. The importance of giving hope in counseling. 3. Christian hope and its relationship to suffering....
Show Notes:Conference Message / George Crawford – Church Employment Law & Reportinghttps://biblicalcounseling.com/product/george-crawford-church-employment-law-reporting/ Find this podcast transcription here.
1. What are some of your favorite Christmas memories? 2. What are some of the special ways you try and prepare your heart for...