TIL 282: Spirit-Empowered Counseling (feat. Scott Mehl)

October 26, 2020 00:16:34
TIL 282: Spirit-Empowered Counseling (feat. Scott Mehl)
Truth in Love
TIL 282: Spirit-Empowered Counseling (feat. Scott Mehl)

Oct 26 2020 | 00:16:34


Show Notes

Featuring: - Is not all Biblical Counseling Spirit-Empowered? - What are symptoms of not being dependent on the Spirit of God in counseling - How can we engender Spirit-dependence in counseling? - Why do we forget God? Notes: Loving Messy People - Scott Mehl https://www.amazon.com/Loving-Messy-People-Scott-Mehl/dp/163342183X


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