TIL 321: Engaging Your Child's Heart Part 2 (feat. Sam Stephens)

Episode 321 July 26, 2021 00:26:34
TIL 321: Engaging Your Child's Heart Part 2 (feat. Sam Stephens)
Truth in Love
TIL 321: Engaging Your Child's Heart Part 2 (feat. Sam Stephens)

Jul 26 2021 | 00:26:34


Show Notes

1. Helpful Tools for Engaging Your Child's Heart

2. Teaching Your Children Through Your Parenting Mistakes and Repentance 

3. Helping Your Child Grow in Maturity 

4. Discipling Your Children Through the Rhythms of Everyday Life


Truth in Grace Catechism - Tom Ascol here

Shepherding a Child's Heart - Ted Tripp here 

The Duties of Parents - J.C. Ryle here 

Thoughts for Young Men - J.C. Ryle here

If, Then Chart here

I Choose Poster here 

Find this podcast transcription here

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