Featuring: - How the Psalms of Ascent help us to keep our eyes fixed upon our eternal home - How the Psalms capture humanity - How Psalm impact the counseling room - How the Psalms capture the emotions of Christ Resources: Longing for Home: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent https://www.amazon.com/Longing-Home-Journey-Through-Psalms/dp/1633420973 The Path of Life: Blessedness in Seasons of Lament https://www.amazon.com/Path-Life-Blessedness-Seasons-Lament/dp/1601786891
Find this podcast transcription here.
Featuring: - Seeing Paul's example of connecting in distance - Stay connected: Know Them, Listen, and Help - Focus on caring for others needs...
TIL 279: Destroying Strongholds by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Find this podcast transcription here.
1. A biblical definition of scrupulosity. 2. A common habits and thoughts associated with scrupulosity. 3. Distinguishing marks of scrupulosity. 4. Common idols of...