TIL 208: How to Build a Church Counseling Ministry (feat. Tony Anderson)

May 27, 2019 00:17:50
TIL 208: How to Build a Church Counseling Ministry (feat. Tony Anderson)
Truth in Love
TIL 208: How to Build a Church Counseling Ministry (feat. Tony Anderson)

May 27 2019 | 00:17:50


Show Notes

Pastor Tony Anderson sat down with Taron Defevers, staff member at ACBC, to give guidance on how to start a counseling ministry in your local church from his experience as an ACBC certified training center. FEATURING: First Steps - Begin Praying for like-minded leadership and ministry partners. - Equip the staff, then cast a vision for the whole church - Ask mature members to pursue counseling ministry - Make a commitment to train counselors for excellence - Ensuring competency in handling God's Word Resources: What If's https://bradbigney.wordpress.com/growing-counseling-in-the-local-church/ ACBC Training Centers https://biblicalcounseling.com/training-2/certified-training-centers/


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