Featuring: - The counselors need for confession (1 Jn 1:8-9; Jas 5:13-16) - The importance of practicing confession - Wisdom on confession from Thomas Watson Notes: The Doctrine of Repentance - Thomas Watson https://www.amazon.com/Doctrine-Repentance-Puritan-Paperbacks-Thomas/dp/0851515215
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Featuring: A Testimony from the Keeter Family Notes: Find a Training Center: https://biblicalcounseling.com/training-centers/ Learn more about Counseling Ministries and ACBC Certified Counseling Centers by...
A story about Matthew's journey to biblical counseling and how it changed his life. Click here for more information about how to partner with...
Featuring: 1. Definition and examples of self-affliction or self-harm 2. Who is most likely to struggle with self-affliction? 3. What compels a person to...