Featuring: 1. What is the DSM? 2. What is the purpose of the DSM? 3. Is the DSM based on science or philosophy? 4. How is the DSM criteria chosen? 5. Why does the DSM matter for biblical counseling? Notes: Bibliography of Critical Psychology https://acbcdigitalresources.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/resources/Truth+in+Love+Resources/TIL+Show+Note%3A+Featured+Resource/Critical+Psychology+Flyer_2019.pdf TIL 230 | How to Help Psychologized Counselees https://biblicalcounseling.com/til-230-how-to-help-psychologized-counselees/ TIL 206 | The Concept of Mental Health https://biblicalcounseling.com/til-206-the-concept-of-mental-health/ Speaking Truth in Love: Counsel in Community https://www.ccef.org/book/speaking-truth-love-counsel-community/
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TIL 003 : Is Same Sex Attraction Sinful? (feat. Dr. Denny Burk) by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
On this weeks edition, Dr. Dale Johnson discusses the dynamics of parenting special needs children with Pastor Steve Viars. Links: - https://www.faithlafayette.org/
Featuring: 1. Why is the topic of the “one-another” commands so important today 2. The “one-anothers" as commands 3. Beyond church on Sunday 4....