1. Definition of mental illness based on function rather than casuality
2. Discusion of quote concerning spiritual nature of mental illness
3. Defend biblical terminology so people see the hope found in Scripture
4. Deficiency in engaging with the major heads of psychiatric community
5. Do not diminish the hope found in Scipture for those who have physical issues
6. Distilling hope from Hebrews 9
Click here to find our previous Mental Health Awareness Month podcasts and resources.
Click here to purchase our 2014 Anual Conference lectures on mental illness.
Featuring: Guidelines for Avoiding Lawsuits How legal counsel and Faith Work Practical Steps to Minimize Lawsuits Notes:ACBC Consent to Counsel form sample - can...
TIL 104 : Purity At The Pool by Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
1. The dangers of the modern sexual identity construct. 2. A biblical evaluation of the sexual identity construct. 3. A brief history of the...